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Scientific CV

Current Position

2008 - present
Associate researcher, Firefly expert (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), University of Antwerp (UA), Belgium.


Previous Positions

2005-2008: Scientific researcher, Research Institute for nature and Forest (INBO), Brussels.

2001-2003: Scientific researcher, Institute of Nature Conservation (IN), Brussels.

1997-2003: PhD student, Department of Biology, Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Antwerp University, Belgium (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Matthysen).

1996: Graduate Student, Department of Biology, Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Antwerp University, Belgium (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Matthysen).


  • Ph. D. in Sciences, Biology, 2004. University of Antwerp (UA).

  • M. S. Biology, 1994-1996. University of Antwerp (UIA), Wilrijk, Belgium.

  • B. A. Biology, 1992-1994. University of Antwerp (RUCA), Wilrijk, Belgium.

  • High School, 1986-1992. Atheneum van Berchem, Antwerp, Belgium.

Previous Research Projects

  • 2005-2008: Begeleiding en opvolging van de beheermonitoring van de Vlaamse Natuurreservaten. In opdracht van ANB: Set-up for the evaluation of nature management within Flanders Nature reserves by using multispecies monitoring techniques and nature types (INBO-ANB-project).

  • 2001-2003: Greenveins project. The effect of green veining in the agricultural landscape and land use intensity on biodiversity and metapopulation dynamics. Project partner: Institute of Nature Conservation (IN), Brussels, Belgium (

  • 1997-2004: The adaptive value of bioluminescent behaviour in glow-worms (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). [Ph.d. dissertation]. (UA)

  • 1996-1997: Preliminary etho-ecological study of three species of glow-worm (Coleoptera: Lampyridae).[m.s. thesis; in Dutch].



Marlene DeLuca Prize (11th _International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence, Asilomar, Monterey, California, USA) funded by Berthold Technologies GmbH.

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