Below, a list of all my scientific publications. Raphaël De Cock
You will also find an overview, abstracts or pdf's of these and of other scientific or lay publications on my ResearchGate page.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1365-6773
2023 - José Ramón Guzmán Álvarez, Raphaël De Cock Catálogo de las especies de la familia Lampyridae en España (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) = Catalogue of species of the Familiy Lampyridae in Spain (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) PALPARES Monográfico de Entomología, 2 (2023) , p. 3-144. Sociedad Andaluza de Entomología, editor: José Manuel Barreda Rivas
2023 - Diego Gil-Tapetado, Marcel Koken, Raphaël De Cock, Francisco José Cabrero-Sañudo, Jose F. Gómez, Carlo Polidori Across the firefly-verse: comparison of niche suitability of an exotic firefly in its native and colonized range. Journal of Insect Conservation, DOI: 10.1007/s10841-023-00522-7
2023 - Darija Lemic, Helena Viric Gasparic, Ivana Pajač Živković, Raphaël De Cock, Katarina Mikac Identification of firefly species in Croatia and their morphological characteristics detected trough citizen science project Krešo Krijesnica. Poster Conference: 58th Croatian & 18th International Symposium on Agriculture.
2022 - Swinnen K, Bronne L, Herremans M, Gielen K, Adriaens T, Baartmans T, Baert D, Baltus H, Barendse R, Boeraeve M, Boers K, Bogaert J, Bouillard N, Claerebout S, De Knijf G, De Beer D, De Smedt P, De Cock R, De Grave D, De Ketelaere A, Deblauwe I, Decrick L, Dekeukeleire D, Deraedt H, Devalez J, D'Haeseleer J, Driessens G, Eysermans D, Fagot J, Hendrickx R, Jooris R, Langeraert W, Lavreys E, Lock K, Logghe G, Maes K, Mayon N, Moonen E, Mortelmans J, Muls D, Opdekamp W, Peeters K, Pieters R, Pollet M, Ravoet J, Rhebergen F, Schneider A, Segers S, Septor R, Soors J, Speybroeck J, Steeman C, Steeman R, Thomaes A, Uitterhaegen B, van Doorn L, van der Schoot P, Van den Neucker T, van den Berg E, Van Sanden P, Van De Poel S, Van Steenwinkel C, Vanormelingen P, Vantieghem P, Veraghtert W, Verbelen D, Verbeylen G, Verhaeghe F, Verheyde F, Vermeiren H, Vertommen W, Zeegers T, Lambrechts J, Vanreusel W, Paquet J, Desmet P. / - List of species observed in Belgium. Version 1.1. Natuurpunt. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2022-12-09.
2022 - Koken M., Verfaillie F., Chastant B., De Cock R. Espèce exotique Une luciole sud-américaine progresse en Europe. Le courrier de la nature n0 334 - SEPTEMBRE-OCTOBRE 2022
2022 - Owens A.C.S., Van den Broeck M., De Cock R., Lewis S.M. Behavioral responses of bioluminescent fireflies to artificial light at night. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
2022 - Koken M., Chastant B., De Cock R., Verfaillie F. Photinus signaticollis, luciole sous haute surveillance. OFFICE POUR LES INSECTES ET LEUR ENVIRONNEMENT, insectes n°205 juin 2022.
2022 - Koken M., Guzmán-Álvarez J.R., Gil-Tapetado D., Romo Bedate M.A., Laurent G., Rubio L.E., Rovira Comas S.R., Wolffler N., Verfaillie F., De Cock R. Quick Spreading of Populations of an Exotic Firefly throughout Spain and Their Recent Arrival in the French Pyrenees. Insects, 13(2), 148.
2021 - Van den Broeck, M., De Cock, R., Van Dongen, S., & Matthysen, E. Blinded by the Light: Artificial Light Lowers Mate Attraction Success in Female Glow-Worms (Lampyris noctiluca L.). Insects, 12(8), 734.
2021 - Van den Broeck M., De Cock R., Van Dongen S., Matthysen E. White LED light intensity, but not colour temperature, interferes with mate‐finding by glow‐worm (Lampyris noctiluca L.) males. Journal of Insect Conservation 25(2):1-9.
2021 - Lewis S.M., Thancharoen A., Wong C.H., López-Palafox T., Velasco Santos T., Wu C., Faust L., De Cock R., Owens A.C.S., Lemelin R.H., Gurung H., Jusoh W.F.A., Trujillo D., Yiu V., Jaramillo López P., Jaikla S. Reed J. M. Firefly tourism: Advancing a global phenomenon toward a brighter future. Conservation Science and Practice, OPEN ACCESS []
2020 - Lewis S.M., Wong C.H., Owens A.C.S., Fallon C., Jespen S., Thancharoen A., Wu C., De Cock R., Novák M, López-Palafox T., Khoo V., Reed J.M. A Global Perspective on Firefly Extinction Threats. BioScience 70 (2): Pages 157–167 [FREE PDF]
2015 - De Cock R., Nepomuceno Alves H., Gomes Oliveira N. & Gomes J. Fireflies and Glow-worms of Portugal - Guia "Pirilampos de Portugal" (in portuguese & english) 80 pages [].
2014 - De Cock R., Faust L. & Lewis S.M. Courtship and mating in Phausis reticulata (Coleoptera: Lampyridae): male flight behaviors, female glow displays, and male attraction to light traps. Florida Entomologist 97 (4): 1290-1307. [].
2014 - Tisi L.C., De Cock R., Stewart A.J.A, Booth D., Day J.C. Bioluminescent leakage throughout the body of the glow-worm Lampyris noctiluca (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Entomologia Generalis, Vol. 35 (2014), Issue 1, 47–51.
2012 - Lewis S.M., Faust L. & De Cock R. The Dark Side of the Light Show: Predators of Fireflies in the Great Smoky Mountains. Psyche Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 634027, 7 pages. [] & [].
2012 - Faust L., De Cock R., Stanger Hall K, Marion Z. & Sander S. Allegheny National Forest June 2012 Firefly Survey. Forest and Warren Counties, PA. In cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Allegheny National Forest Under the Secure Rural Schools Act, P.L.110-343 and Forest Service Agreement 12-DG-11091900-011 [,+FaustOct5,2012.xtraDNAanalysisincluded.pdf].
2012 - Faust L., De Cock R. & Lewis S.M. Thieves in the night: kleptoparasitism by fireflies in the genus Photuris Dejean (COLEOPTERA: Lampyridae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 66(1): 1-6. [].
2011 - Day J. C. & De Cock R. The secondary structure of Lampyridae 16S ribosomal DNA and the implications for phylogenetic reconstruction. Lampyrid 1: 39-60.
2011 - Guzmán J. R. Álvarez & De Cock R. The biology and distribution of glow-worms (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in Spain. Lampyrid 1: 22-31. [].
2009 - De Cock R., Hutacharern C. Report of the Second Firefly International Network Meeting. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Diversity and Conservation of Fireflies (ed. Banpot Napompeth) Royal Initiative Project on the Study of Fireflies in Thailand Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden. pp. 178-183.
2009 - Fu X, Meyer-Rochow B., Tyler J, Suzuki H, De Cock R. Structure and function of the eversible organs of several genera of larval firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Journal of Chemoecology 19(3): pp. 155-168.
2009 - De Cock R. Biology and behaviour of European lampyrids. In: Bioluminescence in Focus – A collection of Illuminating Essays (Ed.: Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow). Research signpost, Kerala, India, pp. 161-200.
2009/11 - De Cock R., Horne J. & Tyler J. The Lesser Glow-worm in Britain: native or newcomer? British Wildlife.
2008 - De Cock R., De Blust G., Maes D., Hoffmann M. Begeleiding en opvolging van de beheermonitoring van de Vlaamse Natuurreservaten : initiële verwerking voor het natuurdoeltype dotterbloemgrasland. (in Dutch: Follow-up of Nature monitoring of the Flemish Nature Reserves: preliminary analysis for the Calthion Nature Type) [INBO.R.2008.9]. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (Reports of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest), 2008(9). Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel : Belgium. 177 pp.
2008 - De Cock R., De Blust G., Maes D., Hoffmann M. (2008). Begeleiding en opvolging van de beheermonitoring van de Vlaamse Natuurreservaten : beknopte handleiding Beheermonitoring. (in Dutch: Follow-up of Nature monitoring of the Flemish Nature Reserves: manual resumé) [INBO.R.2008.8]. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (Reports of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest), 2008(8). Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel : Belgium. 43 pp.
2008 - De Cock R., De Blust G., Maes D., Hoffmann M.. (2008). Begeleiding en opvolging van de beheermonitoring van de Vlaamse Natuurreservaten : vademecum deel 1 en 2 : concept beheermonitoring en methodiek met technische bijlagen en multisoortenlijsten. (in Dutch: Follow-up of Nature monitoring of the Flemish Nature Reserves: protocols parts 1 & 2: concept of monitoring of nature management with technical details and multispecies lists) [INBO.R.2008.7]. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (Reports of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest), 2008(7). Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel : Belgium. 203 pp.
2008 - Geisthardt M, Figueira G., Day J.C. & De Cock R. A review of Portuguese Fireflies with the description of a new species Lampyris iberica sp. nov. Heteropterus Rev. Entomol. 8(2): 147-152.
2007 - De Cock R., De Blust G., Maes D., Hoffmann M. Using a multispecies approach to monitor ecological managment in Flanders' nature reserves, In: Feldmeyer-Christe, E. (Ed.) (2007). Monitoring the effectiveness of nature conservation. International conference September 3-6: abstracts. pp. 16.
Greenveins Project - Carsten F. Dormann, Oliver Schweiger, P. Arens, I. Augenstein, St. Aviron, Debra Bailey, J. Baudry, R. Billeter, R. Bugter, R. Bukacek, F. Burel, M. Cerny, Raphaël De Cock, Geert De Blust, R. DeFilippi, Tim Diek_tter, J. Dirksen, W. Durka, P.J. Edwards, M. Frenzel, R. Hamersky, Frederik Hendrickx, F. Herzog, St. Klotz, B. Koolstra, A. Lausch, D. Le Coeur, J. Liira, J.P. Maelfait, P. Opdam, M. Roubalova, Agnes Schermann-Legionnet, N. Schermann, T. Schmidt, M. J. M. Smulders, M. Speelmans, P. Simova, J. Verboom, Walter van Wingerden & M. Zobel 2007. Prediction uncertainty of environmental change effects on temperate European biodiversity. Ecology Letters (OnlineEarly Articles). doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2007.01142.x.
Greenveins Project - Liira, L., Schmidt, T., De Cock, R., Tsipe A., Arens, P., Augenstein, I., Bailey, D., Billeter, R., Buk_ček, R., Burel, F., De Blust, G., De Cock, R., Dirksen, J., Edwards, P. J., Hamersk_, R., Herzog, F., Klotz, S., K_hn, I., Le Coeur, D., Miklov_, P., Roubalova, M., Schweiger, O., Smulders, M.J.M., van Wingerden, W.K.R.E., Bugters, R., Zobel, M. (2007) Plant functional group composition and large-scale species richness in the agricultural landscapes of Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science, (Online Early Articles). Doi: 10.3170/2007-8-18308.
Greenveins Project - Billeter R., J. Liira, D. Bailey, R. Bugter, P. Arens, I. Augenstein, St. Aviron, J. Baudry, R. Bukacek, F. Burel, M. Cerny, G. De Blust, R. De Cock, T. Diek_tter, H. Dietz, J. Dirksen, C. Dormann, W. Durka, M. Frenzel, R. Hamersky, F. Hendrix, F. Herzog, St. Klotz, B. Koolstra, A. Lausch, D. Le Coeur, J.P. Maelfait, P. Opdam, M. Roubalova, A. Schermann, N. Schermann, T. Schmidt, O. Schweiger, M.J.M. Smulders, M. Speelmans, P. Simova, J. Verboom, W. van Wingerden, M. Zobel, P.J. Edwards. 2007. Indicators for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: a pan-European study. Journal of Applied Ecology (OnlineEarly Articles). doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01393.x.
Greenveins Project - Herzog,F., Steiner,B., Bailey,D., Baudry,J., Billeter,R., Bukacek,R., De Blust,G., De Cock, R., Dirksen,J., Dormann,C.F., de Filippi,R., Frossard,E., Liira,J., Schmidt,T., St_ckli,R., Thenal,C., van Wingerden,W. & Bugter,R. 2006. Assessing the intensity of temperate European agriculture at the landscape scale. European Journal of Agronomy 24: 165-181. 25.
2007 - De Cock R, Geisthardt M. 2007. Description of the adult female and larval stages of Lampyris sardiniae Geisthardt, 1987 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) Entomologische Zeitschrift _ Stuttgart _ 117(2).
2005 - De Cock R, Matthysen E. Sexual communication by pheromones in a firefly, Phosphaenus hemipterus (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Animal Behaviour 70: 807–818.
2004 - De Cock R. Larval and adult emission spectra of bioluminescence in three European species of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2004, 79(4): 339–342.
2003 - De Cock R, Matthysen E. Glow-worm larvae bioluminescence (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) operates as an aposematic signal upon toads (Bufo bufo). Behavioral Ecology Vol. 14 No. 1: 103–108.
2002 - De Cock R. Kortschildglimworm: ruimere verspreiding in Vlaanderen dan verwacht. (The lesser glow-worm has a wider than expected distribution in Flanders, in Dutch). Natuur.focus 4, p. 163.
2001-11 - De Cock R, Matthysen E. Do Glow-Worm Larvae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) Use Warning Coloration? Ethology 107 (11): 1019-1034
2000 - De Cock R. Rare, or simply overlooked? Practical notes for survey and monitoring of the small glow-worm Phosphaenus hemipterus (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Belgian Journal of Zoology 130: 93-101.
2000 - De Cock R. Bosbeheer en biodiversiteit bijdrage 8: glimwormen en bosbeheer. (Glow-worms and forest management, in Dutch). De Boskrant, april-mei: 2-7.
1999 - De Cock R. Glimwormen. Natuurreservaten 21 (3): 28-29.
1999 - De Cock R, Matthysen E. Aposematism and Bioluminescence: Experimental evidence from Glow-worm Larvae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Evolutionary Ecology 13 (7/8): 619-639.